(Launching on October 2023)

News from your trusted sources, supercharged by data.

News from your trusted sources, supercharged by data.

Choose your trusted channels of news

Choose your trusted channels of news

Explore a handpicked collection of thought-provoking articles and stories to build a broader understanding of the world.

Explore a handpicked collection of thought-provoking articles and stories to build a broader understanding of the world.

News summarised in under 60 words

News summarised in under 60 words

Explore a handpicked collection of thought-provoking articles and stories to build a broader understanding of the world.

Explore a handpicked collection of thought-provoking articles and stories to build a broader understanding of the world.

Supercharged by Data.

Supercharged by Data.

Connect 2 or more keywords and see how the news story has evolved over time through a timeline depicting the sentiment and popularity.

Connect 2 or more keywords and see how the news story has evolved over time through a timeline depicting the sentiment and popularity.

Objectivity Score

Connect your site to the most popular apps out there.

Connect the dots with knowledge graphs

Add effects with a few clicks and capture your audience’s attention when they land on your website.

Timeline Search

Design your site on a familiar free-form canvas. Visually set up your breakpoints to make it responsive.

Analyse Sentiment

Visually structure your pages and link to them easily.

Stay up to date with everything happening around the world

Stay up to date with everything happening around the world

Explore a handpicked collection of thought-provoking articles and stories to build a broader understanding of the world.

Explore a handpicked collection of thought-provoking articles and stories to build a broader understanding of the world.

Get Started today

for the cost of a coffee ☕️

$6.9 $3.5

per month

Billed Annually

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This is a limited time launch offer. Prices are subjected to change based on region corrected to purchasing power parity.